Meditation & Visualisation CD’s

The Meditation CD's listed below came about originally as a result of "Popular Demand" from course and workshop participants within the UK and Overseas

Further down the page are links to some amazing
Subliminal-Audio Recordings
and you can click here,
Binaural Beat Recordings
to see the highest quality, most professional Binaural Beat products available anywhere for
Chakra Balance or Ultra Deep Meditation.

COVER of Self-Healing CD
Exploring, Acknowledging and Healing the Messages of Physical, Mental and Emotional Illness.

Meditation for Self Healing

The message contained within the words of this meditation is gentle, simple and very powerful, it is one of - appreciation - so simple, it can completely transform our lives. Our physical body is constantly attempting to draw attention to issues which need resolving, an acknowledgement of this opens the inner channel to self awareness and self healing.

When asked how he had achieved enlightenment a Zen master once replied,
“By simply being grateful for everything that happens.”
£11.50 (GBP)


Cover of Sound of Calm CD
For Stress Relief and Life Enhancement.

The Sound of Calm

Stress affects everyone in different ways - the common factor is, it can be harmful, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually The ‘Sound of Calm’ is designed to induce a deep sense of relaxation and a sustained feeling of calm - an antidote to stress - and provide very simple, practical ‘tools’ to facilitate positive life changing attitudes.

£11.50 (GBP)


COVER of Journey to the Sanctuary of the Higher Self
For Inspiration, Intuition, Inner Wisdom and Guidance.

Journey to the Sanctuary
of the Higher Self

To consciously connect to the Higher Self is to communicate at a Soul Level. To be Guided by the Higher Self is to come from a place of Inspiration, Wisdom, Love and Understanding. Our Higher Self - Our Inner Spirit - is the core essence of who we really are.

£11.50 (GBP)


Hypnosis Downloads
A Range of Recordings for every condition & situation.

Every hypnosis session is worked on by 4 professional hypnotherapists The Hypnosis Downloads team has been working together for many years to ensure our hypnosis and psychology is in line with the very latest research.

Hypnosis Downloads founders, Mark Tyrrell and Roger Elliott choose titles and concepts which are then developed between Mark and Joe Kao, our head hypnosis script writer, and finally scripts are given a final review, shape and polish by hypnotherapist and professional editor Rebekah Hall.

Roger then records the audio and they are polished in a state-of-the-art sound studio. All team members are experienced, practising hypnotherapists meaning you can be confident you're getting the very best hypnosis available. Here are some more reasons to trust us with your hypnosis...


Before you leave this page.

Lots of people ask me about the music I use on workshops -
there is an incredible variety available.

The one most asked about is "Music for Healing"
by Stephen Rhodes.
Anyone who is interested can order their own copy directly
by clicking on the link below.

Music For Healing


Go Here for the Downloads, Links & Resources Page
Here for some Relaxing & Interactive Distractions


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Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of John Quigley, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Copyright  ©   2000 - 2025   John Quigley & & Janus - Therapy For Change & Educational Psychotherapy Services.   All rights reserved.