Research done in 1929, by Baron Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, investigated the village of Vilsbiburg, in Germany in an attempt to discover just why the village had a higher than “normal” incidence of cancer victims.
Using dowsing he prepared a map of the area marking on it all of the underground streams and veins, which he located, using a simple scale of 1 – 16 to measure radiation intensity – he decided that everything above 9 was sufficiently strong to be included on his map. The local medical officer at the time, also concerned about the large number of cancer deaths had produced his own map to show their distribution throughout the village. When superimposed – the two maps showed a direct correlation between the incidents of cancer deaths and the occurrence of strong underground “streams”.
Subsequently Von Pohl went on to discover many more cases of illness and disease both in humans and animals (as well as trees and vegetation) related or at least linked to the occurrence of “radiation” being emitted from underground sources and later wrote a book on the subject which became a definitive text on what was to become known as Geopathic Stress.
The Barons work inspired other people to investigate. Dr Hager, in Stettin, president of the local Medical Scientific Association, took the records of over 5,300 cancer victims and dowsed their homes finding a powerful negative energy point in every case – five particularly bad houses accounted for a combined total of 120 deaths from cancer. The results of Hager’s investigation did much to account for the general acceptance by large numbers within the medical profession at the time, of the “geopathic stress” factor, and it’s influence on cancer, and other illnesses.
In more recent times perhaps the most famous and biggest contributor to the field of dowsing and Geopathic Stress research is Kathe Bachler, an Austrian school teacher and dowser who became interested and very concerned as to how Earth Radiation might be affecting the health of her pupils and causing them to exhibit behavioural problems.
She dowsed at the homes of her pupils who were experiencing health problems, difficulty concentrating and difficulty in staying focussed, suggested or made changes within the environment and saw a marked improvement within a short time.
Other teachers brought cases to her and the same interventions made the same positive changes.
Her work was so respected that she was given a grant by the authorities to carry her studies further. She was invited overseas, went on a number of world tours, dowsed 12,000 cases in 3,000 homes in 14 different countries, and has made an incredible contribution to this field of study.
Her files show case after case studies of Earth Radiation, and it’s effects on the health of individuals exposed to it.
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2010 John Quigley