
"Divine Hypnos, god who knows no pain,
Hypnos, stranger to anguish,
come in favour to us, come happy, and giving happiness,
great king... come with power to heal!"
                                              Sophocles, Philoctetes

The Scottish physician James Braid named hypnosis (an abbreviation from 'neurohypnosis') after Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep (Latin name: Somnus).

What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of altered awareness in which the imagination rather than the intellect is active.

It cannot be forced upon people - it is a state which clients allow themselves to enter.
In this sense all hypnosis is - self hypnosis.

Hypnosis has been around for thousands of years, it is simply a relaxed, focused state of concentration.

You do it almost every day.

Every time you daydream, or visualise an event in the past or future, that's hypnosis.

Our Immune function is dramatically affected by our thoughts.

In Hypnosis the immune function can be enhanced or suppressed contributing to the healing process.

Will I be in control and aware of what is happening?
Yes, all the time.

You do not go ‘to sleep’.

You are not un-conscious.

You are in an alternative state of consciousness with a very narrow focus of attention.

You can hear everything that is being said.

Nothing happens without your consent. You have absolute control. However, you are extremely relaxed.

Are there certain illnesses/conditions which are proven to respond positively to hypnosis?

Ernest Rossi, (Psychobiology of Mind Body Healing, 1993, Norton Publishing) has catalogued a number of maladies that seem to improve, implicating at least three major body systems in the mind/body healing response.

Category One:
Cardiac Pain
Blood Cell Counts
Pupilary Dilation

Category Two:
Adrenal Gland Secretion
Gastric Secretion and Motility
Oral Contraceptives
Menstrual Pain

Category Three:
Common Cold
Multiple Sclerosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis



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Modern Hypnotherapists use hypnosis not only for medical purposes, but also as an aid for the resolution of many problems that are Psychological in origin.

Hypnosis is used for pain control, can free people from Phobias and Compulsions, is useful for effective Weight-Control, increasing Work/Study/Sports performance, improving Memory and Concentration, boosting Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem, helping us achieve more of the true potential we all possess.

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And Now a LittleHistory

"Divine Hypnos, god who knows no pain,
Hypnos, stranger to anguish,
come in favor to us, come happy, and giving happiness,
great king... come with power to heal!"
                                                        Sophocles, Philoctetes

The Scottish physician James Braid named hypnosis (an abbreviation from 'neurohypnosis') after Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep (Latin name: Somnus).

A Summary of the Greek Myth of Hypnos
Hypnos was one of the many relatively minor and very ancient deities of the Greek pantheon.

The similarities in appearance and behaviour between the god of Sleep and Hermes (Latin: Mercury) are so apparent, however, that it is compelling to speculate that the two are linked, or that Hypnos is in some way a particular aspect of Hermes.

Hermes was one of the major Olympian gods and appeared later than Hypnos, it is probable that as Greek civilisation developed the minor, rural deities were absorbed into the official Olympian pantheon in this way.

Hypnos the Bountiful, as he was known by the ancients, rests in the arms of his mother Nyx (Night).

His father is Erebus, the pure darkness of Hades, the Underworld.

Hypnos dwells with his twin brother Thanatos, god of Death, in a dark cave by the banks of the river Lethe (Oblivion), at the entrance to Hades.

The cave is surrounded by opium poppies and other sleep-inducing herbs.

Hypnos is a gentle and benevolent god who sometimes takes the form of a singing bird, sometimes that of a winged youth or old man.

He carries a drinking horn, from which he pours sleep-inducing opium.

He is most beloved of the Muses, and his spouse is Pasithea, one of the Charities.

Together they have three children, Morpheus, Phobetor, and Phantasus who occupy the dreams of men.

Morpheus appears in human form in our dreams, Phobetor as birds and animals, and Phantasus as all the animate objects of our dreams.

Hypnos delivers mortals from pain and mental suffering, with the help of his sons and his brother Oniros (Dream) he colours their sleep with dreams.

Hypnos opens two gates, the Gates of Horn and Ivory, through which Oniros comes into the minds of men.

Through the Gates of Horn come prophetic dreams, and through the Gates of Ivory come deceptive dreams which mislead.


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The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of John Quigley, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

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